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Showing posts with the label info

Code to get Employee Name For all employee in Ax 2012

 To get Employee Name For all employee in Ax 2012 You can get idea from below code. DirPerson dirPerson; HcmWorker hcmWorker; HRMDailyAttendance hrmDailyAttendence; ; while select Name ,gender from dirPerson join hcmWorker group by dirPerson.Name,dirPerson.Gender where hcmWorker.Person == dirPerson.RecId { info(strFmt("%1",dirPerson.Name)); }

Infolog in MSD axapta

Infolog The Infolog is used to communicate with the application users. You use the Infolog to inform the user of validations, if an error occurs, or to display information to the user while processing a job. The Infolog is opened in a separate window, and opens automatically when called by a program. Information in the Infolog is removed when the Infolog window is closed, so if you need the information for later use, you can print the contents of the Infolog window by using the print menu item in the top menu. Information in the Infolog can be triggered both from code and by the kernel. Kernel information typically involves system integrity issues, such as information about mandatory database fields. From X++ you can control the information in the Infolog. There are three types of information in the Infolog. The types, which may be identified by the associated icon include: info , warning and error . Info text is generally displayed to inform the user about actions being perfor